CCDC 5A | 5B: Construction Management Keys to Success

This course is part of the Managing Construction Series.


The construction management project delivery method is about building a collaborative team from the outset of the project. The team is comprised of the project owner, consultant and contractors to address the key areas of functional requirements, time, cost, quality, and constructability. When construction management is done well you avoid cost overruns, schedule delays, quality and performance issues, leading to success for everyone involved.

In this course, you will delve into detail on what Construction Management is, the roles and responsibilities of each partner throughout all project phases: predesign, design, project delivery and post construction. After taking this course, you will be well-versed in the construction management project drivers and concepts to fulfil your contractual responsibilities and grasp the nuances of the contract clauses in CCDC 5A | 5B.

Facilitated by the notorious Debbie Hicks this course puts you front-and-centre with a training team of three ICI practitioners offering perspectives of project owner, consultant and contractor. The collaborative approach will provide you with critical insights and actionable strategies from decades of real industry experience.


  • ​Construction management process and when to use as a delivery method
  • Roles of each partner for collaborative success
  • Procuring construction management services
  • Tools and techniques to optimize Construction Management performance
  • Construction management contracts – CCDC 5A | 5B (industry standard contracts)
  • Duties assigned and compensation for preconstruction, construction and post-construction in the CCDC 5A | 5B
  • Key elements to focus on for project success:
  • Establish the construction manager’s compensation
  • Pros and cons for conversion to consolidated pricing
  • Critical insights into the challenges with the construction management delivery method

Intended Audience

This course is recommended for mid-management personnel from the following roles/disciplines:

  • General contractors and subcontractors: construction company owners/managers, project managers, commercial managers, business development managers
  • Project owners - public and private
  • Architects and engineers
  • Allied professionals including: bonding and insurance specialists, lawyers















A team of multi-discipline experts will provide you with exceptional feedback, great insight and actionable strategies.  We look forward to sharing this expertise with you.

  • Debbie Hicks - Workshop Facilitator
  • Rick Boates
  • Bill Chomik - Consultant
  • Dean C. Slater - Project Owner / Contractor
  • Mark Scharf - Project Owner

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Course Requirements (Technology & Participation)

This course requires full face-to-face interaction and participation from both the instructor and students. In order to attend, you’ll must make sure you have the following:

  • Computer or laptop with webcam (webcams are mandatory): This course will involve 100% on-screen interaction with your instructor and classmates, reading/viewing on-screen content like slides or videos, and interacting via typing with questions or responses. For this reason, you must have a webcam and use a full computer/laptop, and we do not permit students to attend using a tablet or cell phone.
  • A quiet space with minimal distractions: Please plan to be fully engaged in the class, and clear your work schedule just as you would for attendance in an in-class program

Course Format

Live, Online, Instructor-led training, with a multi-discipline training team and a maximum class size of 25 students.

  • This is a highly interactive course facilitated by the instructor on the Zoom platform.
  • You will be expected to have your webcam on during the whole class and participate in break-out rooms, small-group discussions, and other activities with your instructor and classmates during the course.
  • Zoom access information will be provided to you in advance of the training by your instructor
  • Full attendance and participation in all four sessions is mandatory for course completion. If a student misses a class session, we are unable to transfer registration or provide a partial refund of the registration fees.

This course is delivered in partnership with local construction associations across western Canada and Ontario. You will be participating with a cohort of industry peers from throughout these regions.

Orientation Session

A short orientation session (30 min) with your course instructor will be held via Zoom before the course (usually scheduled in the week before). During the orientation, your instructor will go over course information and familiarize you with the Zoom tools you’ll be using. 


WCA Cancellation Policy

WCA will provide a full refund or education credit equal to the amount paid for the course if registration is cancelled five (5) full business days prior to the course start date. Payment is non-refundable for cancellations made within five (5) full business days of the course start date and there will be no transfers to future course dates.

Complimentary substitution of another member of your company/team is welcome right up until the course start time for no additional fee. Please email us at if you require a substitution.

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